Brompton Electric’s Are Coming!

Our patience - and yours - is finally being rewarded. Electrifying days ahead.

Brompton’s electric bikes are coming to BikeBike and we couldn’t be more pleased at the news. A week does not go by without an inquiry from a keen Brompton fan on when these bikes would be available. Now we have an answer: Really really soon.

The world's most compact folding e-bike. Supercharged for the city. Powered by smart technology developed with Williams Advanced Engineering. Yes, that Williams. Handmade and quality assured in the same London Factory as the original.

Developed with experts at Williams Advanced Engineering, the electric system utilizes Formula E car racing technology to deliver a 300wh lithium-ion battery in a lightweight 2.9kg package*. So, you are never weighed down. Remove and attach the battery pack bag with one quick click. Carry it and plug it in wherever suits. Fully charge in 4 hours, or boost for less if you're short on time.

*And they squeezed in an integrated USB port for charging your phone.


If you are aiming to get your hands on one of these beauties, get in touch with us right away. We’re now accepting deposits for delivery of new bikes this summer.

We’ll have a couple demo models available in the near future as well if a test ride is needed to confirm your desire to own one.

Join the fold today!


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