Birding By Bike 15-40kms

This route follows Calgary's Bow River Pathway and the Bow River from the River Walk in the East Village all the way south Fish Creek Park and back again.

Along the way there are many many places to pull over and watch for birds. The route is also "customizable" for length with many opportunities to cross the river and return on the other side. One can join the route anywhere along it's length as well, no need to start downtown and no need to ride the entire length. Think of this route a a basic guide that you can spend all summer exploring.

Popular birding zones along the route include:
- Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
- The Weir
- Carburn Park
- Beaverdam Flats
- Western Irrigation Canal (late spring to early autumn)
- Bonnyville Storm Water Ponds
- Fish Creek Park

Be sure to bring everything you'll need for your ride as there are no stores along the way. Washrooms are located at the bird sanctuary and at Carburn Park.

Click Here For The RideWithGps Route


Full Greenway Loop 150km