Up And Over Nose Hill 45km

This loop is best ridden counter-clockwise and heads up and over Nose Hill Park eventually returning back to the Bow River Pathway and into downtown using our pathway network.

Nose Hill Park is the 4th largest urban park in Canada and home to many wild animals. Keep your eyes open for deer and coyotes, as well as a few different hawk species. It is also a popular off-leash dog walking spot. There is also a medicine wheel and labyrinth if you feel like exploring a little.

The vast majority of this loop is on Calgary's awesome pathway network but there is one short segment that needs to be navigated with a little bit of extra care and attention in the area of John Laurie and Shaganappi Trail NW.

We've added a couple POI's to help in navigating.

Click Here For The RideWithGps Route


Fish Creek Loop 60km


Downtown To Around The Reservoir 45km