Full Greenway Loop 150km

Name another city in North America with a pathway that circumnavigates it's perimeter. There aren't any! :)

While not complete and missing many segments and connectors, many Calgarians are still challenging themselves to riding it all in one go, or exploring different segments over the course of the summer, or - as one group of elderly ladies told us - they rode in 2 days with a an evening at a hotel in Seton. Now that is a cool way to to it tackle this loop!

Just to be very clear, It is important to know that the route is not yet complete, especially in places in the north. Segments missing, you might have to walk here and there, maybe even hop a fence. Every year a little bit more gets completed. Do your best to research ahead of time and be prepared for anything.

There are lots of food and drink stops along the way and bathrooms are best found in fast food shops or gas stations.

Consider this map as a rough guide and feel free to improvise based on conditions you find.

Click Here For The RideWithGps Route


Birding By Bike 15-40kms


Chestermere Canal 65km